Unqualified Investors in the Russian Stock Market

Anna A. Shamkhalova – Vice-President of the Russian Club of Economists (Moscow, Russia). E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In June 2023, the number of unqualified investors on the Russian stock market reached 31 million. On the one hand, such growth demonstrates a high level of development of the system of access to trading on the stock market due to the introduction of digital technologies, and, on the other hand, it contains significant risks of various anomalies in the market due to insufficient financial literacy and lack of experience in conducting stock transactions for most new investors. In this connection, the article examines the portrait of a modern unqualified investor and analyzes the trends in the development of investment activity by this category of investors. The author concludes that in the policy of financial market regulation it is necessary to change the main vector of influence from the creation of an «ideal» financial environment to the formation of a financially literate investor.

Key words: unqualified investors, stock market, financial platforms, financial literacy.

JEL-codes: G11, G23, G40, G53.